Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sobha Developers - Sobha Magnolia - Incomplete Handover

Sorry for the late posting... But I got to check this AM only as the CRM sent a mail, I had asked them to send a mail to all concerned and I am hoping they did so.

The Magnolia Residents continue to be taken for a ride "fullon" and nothing is being done. We cannot simply be mute spectators to happenings over there. I have gotten tired of being voluble in these sites as there is no use other than us exchanging verbose language it falls into deaf ears.

Every possible excuse, denials and delays in completion and handover of Magnolia Property that is the biggest CON GAME going on right now. I have taken possession in Mar09. Regd the flat. Interior work is on expedited pace. But what use? I cant move in May end as I thought.

They promised Mar end power. Then April 15th then 20th. Still no signs of power and elevators. I use the stairs to climb 12 flrs and wanted to do POOJA in April 3rd week again CANT DO IT!

I am just venting what else can I do? I am powerless frustrated and feel wronged and totally made fool of. We are watching and not doing anything.

Friends please come to the occasion and see if we can do something gather with and present with our feet.

In the final analysis I say all the investors, land owners have no interest in fighting. Only genuine owners who want to live there are fighting the nos for these are paltry single digits. So Sobha for all its transparency, honesty, publicly held status does not care a fig for small owners such as me and others.

Please think over the injustice done. It is high time someone pays for this denials & delays and taking responsibility for these and compensating the owners in due ways. It looks are cards are with the builder and we are just living in a Banana Republic with no rights at all.



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